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This paper introduces a new methodology ensuring units invariant slack selection in radial DEA models and incorporating the slacks into an overall efficiency score. The CCR and BCC models are units invariant in their radial component, but not in their slack component, thus changing the units of measurement of one or more variables can change the models' solution. The proposed Full Proportional Slack (FPS) methodology improves the slack selections of the CCR and BCC models by producing slack selections that (a) are units invariant, thus producing fully units invariant models, (b) maximize the relative improvements represented by the slacks, and not their values, and (c) measure the full slacks that need to be removed from their corresponding variables. The FPS methodology is a fully oriented methodology first maximizing the improvements in the variables on the side of the orientation of the model. The Proportional Slack Adjusted (PSA) methodology incorporates the FPS slacks into an overall efficiency score, making it easier to interpret and use the results. The FPS and PSA methodologies are illustrated using an input oriented VRS Loan Quality DEA model with data from the retail branch network of one of Canada's largest banks.  相似文献   
How people leave a devastated area after a disaster is critical to understanding their ability to cope with risks they face while evacuating. Knowledge of their needs for communications about these risks is particularly crucial in planning for emergency responses. A convenience sample of 1,444 persons who survived the World Trade Center (WTC) attacks on September 11, 2001 were surveyed to ascertain their initial and ultimate destinations once they had left the buildings, how they arrived there, the role of types of obstacles they encountered, and the need for information and the seeking of other people as potential factors in influencing the process of leaving immediately. This survey was part of a larger, original survey. Results showed differences in how people traveled by mode to initial and ultimate destinations, how immediately they left the area, and factors associated with when they left. How they traveled and when they left were associated with where people lived, their tendency in times of stress to seek out other people including who they knew in the immediate area (e.g., co‐workers or friends), the physical conditions surrounding them, and the importance to some of waiting for more information. Many people indicated they did not leave immediately because they had no information about where to go or what services would be available to them. Perceptions and communications about risks they were facing were reflected in the choices they considered in how and when to leave the area. These findings have numerous ramifications for understanding and guiding personal behavior in catastrophic situations.  相似文献   
随着社会经济的发展,公司制企业在国民经济中的地位不断提升,公司治理也越来越引起人们的注意.但是,对于转轨时期的中国国有企业和民营企业而言.由于不同企业的条件状况不一样,其公司治理不能采取完全相同的模式,而应当实行权变的公司治理策略.对公司治理模式影响最大的莫过于企业的产权关系,因为公司治理在很大程度上是对企业产权关系的反映和保障.企业的产权关系不同,公司治理也有相应的不同类型.正是基于这一考虑,本文立足于对不同类型的企业产权关系分析.探讨公司治理的不同类型以及影响企业对其选择的主要因素,最终形成权变公司治理模式,并采用问卷调查的方法进行了实证检验,力图为现实的企业实践和相关的理论研究提供参考.  相似文献   
本文按照中观、微观、个体的逻辑分析思路,分别从连锁董事网、公司董事会和连锁董事的个人行为特征这三个层面来解析连锁董事产生治理效应的内在机理:认为连锁董事网的嵌入性影响着公司的资源获取能力、协调控制能力和环境应变能力;连锁董事的引进可改善董事会的结构,影响着董事会的战略参与与功能整合;而连锁董事个人的行为动机与个人能力将会约束其治理效应的发挥.从而表现为网络镶嵌、公司行为与个人动机的有机结合与共同作用.本文基于随机抽样的方法选取400家上市公司作为研究样本,通过描述性统计分析与构建时刻固定效应面板数据模型对连锁董事的治理效应进行了实证研究.得出相应的结论:公司所处连锁董事网的规模、公司的网络中心度以及连锁董事所担任的董事数目与公司治理绩效之间具有正相关关系,董事会中连锁董事比例的治理效应没有得到确定性验证,而连锁董事的持股与公司治理绩效之间并不存在显著的相关关系.研究表明,我国上市公司的连锁董事在任职特征及网络嵌入性上具有积极的治理效应,并提出相关的建议.  相似文献   
本文基于实物期权理论,针对研发项目阶段性特点,结合博弈论的思想,分析了多个研发项目组成的投资状态组合,构建了研发项目动态选择模型。首先,根据研发项目多阶段的特征,利用孪生证券的思想,基于实物期权理论,建立了项目中止决策准则;在此基础上分析研发项目的投资决策状态,建立了二十五个状态的切换场景;然后通过实际算例对模型进行验证和分析,得出了研发项目投资的影响范围概念图,最终实现两个项目的最优投资决策目标。  相似文献   
本文建立考虑产品差异的三阶段双寡头博弈模型:第一阶段政府选择R&D(Research and Development)补贴率,第二阶段企业确定自己的R&D水平,第三阶段企业确定产品价格进行伯川德竞争。根据双寡头在第二和第三阶段是否合作,给出了R&D竞争、R&D卡特尔、共同实验、技术共享联盟和研究共同体等五种R&D策略,得到了相应的政府最优R&D补贴率。研究表明,当技术溢出程度较低且产品水平差异不大时,政府给予采用R&D竞争策略企业的补贴率不高于采用R&D卡特尔策略的企业;当技术溢出程度较高且产品水平差异较大时,结果则相反。在政府进行最优补贴后,从促进技术进步、扩大企业规模以及社会福利最大化的角度来看,五种R&D策略中,共同实验最差,技术共享联盟和研究共同体则最优。  相似文献   
盈余质量对资本配置效率的影响及作用机理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以2004-2007年沪深两市的上市公司为研究样本,在Richardson、verdi研究的基础上,对中国现实制度背景下盈余质量和资本配置效率两者的关系进行了探讨.不同于国内外的现有研究,本文不仅检验了盈余质量是否影响上市公司的资本配置效率,还对盈余质量如何影响上市公司资本配置效率进行了检验.检验结果表明,盈余质量的改善一方面能直接提高上市公司的资本配置效率,另一方面则能够通过降低代理成本间接促进上市公司资本配置效率的提高.这一研究结论对理解盈余质量在上市公司资本配置效率中的作用,以及了解盈余质量与上市公司资本配置效率之间的中介传导机制和路径模式均具有较强的现实意义.  相似文献   
Recently, we developed a GIS-Integrated Integral Risk Index (IRI) to assess human health risks in areas with presence of environmental pollutants. Contaminants were previously ranked by applying a self-organizing map (SOM) to their characteristics of persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity in order to obtain the Hazard Index (HI). In the present study, the original IRI was substantially improved by allowing the entrance of probabilistic data. A neuroprobabilistic HI was developed by combining SOM and Monte Carlo analysis. In general terms, the deterministic and probabilistic HIs followed a similar pattern: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and light polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were the pollutants showing the highest and lowest values of HI, respectively. However, the bioaccumulation value of heavy metals notably increased after considering a probability density function to explain the bioaccumulation factor. To check its applicability, a case study was investigated. The probabilistic integral risk was calculated in the chemical/petrochemical industrial area of Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain), where an environmental program has been carried out since 2002. The risk change between 2002 and 2005 was evaluated on the basis of probabilistic data of the levels of various pollutants in soils. The results indicated that the risk of the chemicals under study did not follow a homogeneous tendency. However, the current levels of pollution do not mean a relevant source of health risks for the local population. Moreover, the neuroprobabilistic HI seems to be an adequate tool to be taken into account in risk assessment processes.  相似文献   
This study names a pantheon of entrepreneurs and managers who have introduced a range of far‐reaching productivity innovations throughout modern history. The thread tying together all of the innovations, in whatever sector of the economy one examines, is the theory of swift, even flow. The study argues why swift, even flow explains the power and long‐lasting nature of these innovations and why other factors thought by some to affect productivity fall short.  相似文献   
考虑国际原油市场与中国股票市场之间的大幅波动存在联动性,本文采用二维标值Hawkes模型对2007年至2019年8月的布伦特原油期货和沪深300指数的日度数据中大幅波动的单市场延续和跨市场传染的传播特性进行建模。实证结果表明:(1)Hawkes过程可以较好地拟合国际原油和中国股市之间大幅波动的自激发和互激发效应,并捕捉资产收益率在时间和空间上的聚集性、持续性和溢出性;(2)原油市场和中国股市的大幅波动均存在较强的自激发效应;(3)原油市场和中国股市之间大幅波动的互激发效应具有统计意义上的显著性,但在实际影响方面相比于自激发效应更为微弱。本研究对股票市场建设、资产配置和风险防范均有一定意义。  相似文献   
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